Friday, January 8, 2016

Is His Grace Enough?

This week has been a doozy--definitely not the typical week I'm accustomed to. I've been stressed, exhausted, drained, and sore. 

My goal isn't to list all of the things that went wrong this week, but rather to highlight the ways God showed His grace to me in the midst of the hard, if for no other reason than to have it to look back on the next time I have a rough week. 

One day in particular this week was especially rough... Starting off your day waking up from a dream that leaves you stressed is never a good start, and waking up late is also not a good start. 

I was stressed, a little upset, and feeling overwhelmed...but I was on my way to meet a friend and that was giving me something to look forward to, and was encouraging my heart that morning. 

While in the car on the way to meet my friend, the song "Your Grace is Enough" by Matt Maher came on the radio, and I found myself really thinking through the lyrics. 

Is His Grace Enough? 

I found myself asking the question, Is His grace enough for me? Is it enough for the morning I've had? 

Is His grace enough, for TODAY? 

That is what was on my heart as I was driving, pondering what my honest answer would be to that question. 

I decided that YES, His grace is enough for me. 

Yes, His grace IS enough for the rough morning I had been having. 

I made that decision, and then I was rear-ended. 

Oy vey. 

Since that rough morning, through the fun emotions this week, the headaches and pains, the bad news I've heard (regarding things unrelated to the car accident), and the unusual exhaustion I've been experiencing... I've had to keep asking myself that same question: 

Is His Grace Enough?

Is His grace enough for the hard? For the days when everything seems to go wrong? For the days when life just hurts? 


His grace is still enough for me. 

I saw God's grace in countless ways through the week: 

Grace... through no injuries and no damage to the vehicle I was in. 

Grace... through the kindness of the gentleman who rear-ended me. 

Grace... through my family and their care, concern, and prayers. 

Grace... through my dad coming to the scene and sitting and waiting with me in the car. 

Grace... through the prayers of my boyfriend. 

Grace... through the willingness of a friend to come sit with me, or pick me up, or do whatever I might need. 

Grace... through an afternoon with sweet friends that helped to take my mind off of the rough morning. 

Grace... through coming into work the next day, tired and sore, to find an unexpected note of appreciation and gift card from a friend. 

Grace... through coming home after work to an encouraging card in the mail from a dear friend (that came at just the right time). 

It's all grace. 

So yes, His grace is enough for me. 

His grace is sufficient for me... no matter the circumstances, the pains, the joys, or the sorrows a day may hold. 

Today, and every day... His grace is sufficient for me. 

On both the good days, and the bad ones... His grace is sufficient for me. 

I can sing along, truthfully and genuinely, that yes, "Your grace is enough for me..." 
(Image from 

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