Friday, October 3, 2014

Open Hands

Open hands. 

God is teaching me this autumn to walk through each day with eyes open, ears open, and hands open. 

Open hands. 

This is something that I'm learning this year, but I like it. It's hard, and it can be messy, but it's good. 

What do I mean by open hands? Simply this: If I go through each day with my hands clenched, holding tightly to what I deem important, then my hands are not open to what new things God might have in store. 

If my hands are in fists--from anger, bitterness, jealousy--then my hands are not open to the gifts that God gives us each day. 

If my hands are closed around the things in my own life (my own worries, my own fears), then my hands are not open to reach out to those around me. 

I'm learning to go through each day with my hands open, empty. 

Because nothing on this earth compares to Christ and the joy that is found in Him. 

I want my hands to be empty and open to what God wants for me, to what He has in store. 

Open hands. 

Open to God's grace. 
Open to the gift that each day is. 
Open to the people God places in my life each day. 
Open to the new things that God is doing. 

Jesus commanded us to not worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:25-34). Our Father in Heaven will take care of us, so we need not worry or stress. He is in control. 

Open hands... open because we trust our Father.  

Open hands... open because we trust that He is good, and He will provide. 

Open hands... open because we know He can make beauty from the ashes, so we wait in expectation of how He will work, how He will move, as we wait in trust. 

Open hands... open because we want to keep walking, keeping moving forward, so our hands are open to God's leading. 

There is risk, though. Anytime we open our hands to the people around us, anytime we love others, there is the risk of pain, of heartache, and of loss. Living with open hands means living a risky life... It means going out of your comfort zone at times, it means there is the risk of being hurt, and it means your life might not look like it used to. Oh, but the risk is worth it. Because even though this life can be painful and hard, if you live with your life focused on Christ... the journey will be beautiful. It won't be easy, Christ never said that living for Him would result in an easy life. Living with open hands can be frightening, but it is worth it, it is worth the risk. The One you are living for will never forsake you, never let you down, and never let you go. So go on, take the risk. I dare you. 

I will. 

I want my hands to be open each day, not clenched in worry or fear, but open to the joy that can be found in Christ each day. 
Open to the wonder of God's grace to me. 
Open to reach out and love those around me. 
Open to the gift that each day truly is. 

I want to live my life with open hands. Will you join me?

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