Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Parent's Arms

I became a mom almost 10 weeks ago, and I am continually learning and realizing how deep my love for our little girl is...and that it keeps growing! It has helped me understand in a new way how much God loves His Son, Jesus, and how much He loves us, His children. I am blown away by how deep His love is!! 

One thing that God is teaching me through our daughter is the importance of crying out to Him. 

When Johanna is upset (hungry, tired, needing her diaper changed, hot or cold, etc), she lets us know by crying. It's the only way she can communicate right now. She cries, and we hear. We can pick her up and meet that need for food or a diaper change or whatever the need is. 

And sometimes she cries just because she needs to be held. 

As soon as I pick her up and hold her, her crying quiets. She knows that she is secure in my arms, and that she is not alone. Her needs will be met, and everything is going to be okay. 

She is safe and secure in her parent's arms. 

As I hold my daughter and feel her calm down, I can't help but think about how often I DON'T cry out to God. He is my Heavenly Father, and I know that He loves me even more than I can understand or imagine. 

I know how much I want to comfort my daughter when she is upset, how much more must God desire to hold us when we are going through tough times, and good times too, for that matter! 

How often do I miss out on His comfort, because I look to other comforts instead of Him? 

How often do I turn to friends or family, before turning to God? 

How often do I listen to other voices, before I listen to His Word?

God is our good, good, Father. We can trust His heart and know that His plans are always for His glory and our good. 

2 Corinthians 1:3 calls God "the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort." He is no stranger to our pain, to our troubles. He knows what we are going through, and He cares. Our God is a loving, compassionate Father. 

Cry out to Him, and know that you are not alone. Your Heavenly Father will hold you. 

Cry out to Him, and know that your needs will be met. Your Heavenly Father will provide. 

Cry out to Him, and rest secure in His loving arms. Your Heavenly Father will be your safe place. 

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