Friday, March 21, 2014

Smiling at the Memory

Have you ever found yourself thinking about something, such as a funny or sweet memory, and then realize that without consciously thinking about it, you're smiling? It's like you're in your own little world for a minute, just you and the memory (and in a way, whoever else shares that memory with you). And as you think about that memory, you can't help but smile. It's almost like you have a special secret for a moment as you smile, remembering and reflecting on a previous time.

This happened to me recently, but in a way that was new to me.

I was driving, and a song came on the radio. For those of you who know me well, you know that I tend to connect to songs a lot. (And I also become obsessed with songs fairly often...) A lot of memories for me are connected to a song, so it isn't unusual for me to hear a song and immediately recollect a memory or feel nostalgic.

This time it was a little different, though. Because this time the memory that popped into my head wasn't one that I shared with anyone else. It was just between me and God.

It was a memory of a recent moment when I had really sensed His peace and His love as I chose to trust Him instead of fear.

And when the song came on the radio, the same song that I had been listening to in the moment I mentioned above, I found myself smiling.

When I realized that I was smiling, I was surprised for a minute... This was something new. Like I said earlier, I've had those moments when I've caught myself smiling at a memory with other people, but it caught me off guard to realize that I was smiling as I remembered a moment that God and I had shared. It felt intimate, personal. There was this fleeting thought that ran through my mind, "Is this okay?" I didn't want to be irreverent in the way I was thinking.

Then it hit me. Of course it is okay! God is not only my Father and my Savior, He is my Friend. 

God desires us to walk with Him through each day, leaning on Him, talking with Him, and trusting Him. He wants a relationship with us. Our Father and King wants to know us deeply and intimately. A relationship (friendship) with another person means that you will do a lot of talking and listening, and I think that sometimes some of that talking will be about the memories the two of you share. I think that the same can be said of our relationship with God. We should talk with Him and listen to Him (prayer), and I think that it is okay (actually, better than okay. I think it is great!) to remember and reflect on the ways You've seen Him at work, and the times that You've felt His peace or His strength.

Psalm 25:14 says that "The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear Him." FRIENDSHIP! I love that. I can relate to that. The Lord is my Friend.

Friends share memories, share smiles, and share the joys and the sorrows. If we are to have friendship with the Lord, then I think we are going to have memories that we share with Him alone, that just the two of us know about. Memories of the way He has touched our hearts, or given us courage, or filled us with His joy or peace.

And I hope that the next time you are remembering one of those times, you catch yourself smiling at the memory with your Friend. :)

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