Thursday, February 6, 2014

Our Anchor

Sometimes in life it can feel like we are buoys in the ocean, tossed to and fro by the waves that come our way. 

But God is teaching me that it doesn't have to be like that. We don't HAVE to be moved by each wave, by every trial. 

In Hebrews 6:19, we are told that "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." (NIV) When I think about an anchor, I think of something that is solid, something that is trustworthy. It is secure, and it is reliable. 

That is what we have in Christ. Because of Him, and because of His sacrifice, we have hope. Hope that is an anchor for us. Christ is our anchor in life. He is solid, He is trustworthy, He is secure, and He is reliable. 

When a ship in the ocean isn't tied to an anchor, it can move in any direction. It is free to be bounced around by the waves that come its way. However, when a ship is tied to an anchor, it has something holding it in place. Waves will still come its way, but it won't be sent adrift. It will still be bounced a little by the waves, but the ship isn't going anywhere. It has the anchor giving it a firm foundation. 

That is what Christ is to us. He is our anchor. 

Waves and storms will still come, Christ did not promise an easy life if we follow Him. Instead, He guarantees problems (John 16:33), but He also promises to be with us, always (Matthew 28:20). It is how we respond when the problems come that is important. We can choose to let each and every feeling and circumstance move us, we can grumble, and we can be demanding of God. OR we can choose to cling to our anchor, to be thankful, and to remember that God is greater than any circumstance. No matter what trial you're facing, God is with you. He has a plan and a purpose through it all, even if you can't see it yet. He will grow you through the trials, but only if you let Him. 

God has been teaching me this lesson a lot lately, and I know that it is one that I will continue to learn as I go through life. My prayer is that I'll let Him teach me and stretch me through whatever life brings my way, and that through it ALL, I'll cling to Christ, my Anchor. 
Choose to fix your eyes on Christ, your Anchor, rather than on your circumstances. 
Choose to be controlled by the Spirit, rather than by your feelings. 
Choose to be defined by who you are in Christ, rather than by your struggles. 

Choose to hold on to the Anchor through life, through each stormy season. He will not let you down. 

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